What is the end goal of judaism?
NOTE: the following answer has bits of truth mixed in with a large amount of nonsense. Judaism has no end goal, other than a time of peace for all nations in the future.
Believe it or not world peace; the end goal of the Jewish religion, is the "return to Eden."
Although when God newly created the world according to the book of Genesis, was in fact breathtaking and paradisical, it was in Eden, where the spirit of God dwelt. When the Earth was newly made, it was so pure, so unpolluted spiritually, that God could dwell here, without anything in it being damaged. See, now, here I need to borrow from Buddhism and Daoism, because Judaism does not cover this (that I'm aware of), when a soul is impure, the purity of heaven, will cause ridiculous amounts of pain. The purity of the heaven realms, is EXTREMELY painful to demons, and hungry ghosts, according to Buddhism. In other words if the spirit of God were to descend on earth, his very pressence, would cause all children over 13, unimaginable agony. Kids would be just fine, they would feel no pain because they are still innocent, same with what few pure hearted people exist in this world, everyone else though would feel unimaginable torment and agony. Hence the reason God does not dwell on earth. He is everywhere, and nowhere, his eye is everywhere, but his fully manifested spirit, does not dwell here, because the earth is too spiritually polluted.
Yes, God can make it so that even the impure can be in his presence, problem is, you can't seriously expect God to do everything for us now do you? See, that is the whole problem; when Adam and Eve tasted the proverbial apple, in choosing separation, they also chose independence. See there was a time when God would handle everything; however in eating the proverbial forbidden fruit, suddenly, everything rests on humanity's shoulders.
Yeah, you read right, at its core Judaism basically says God has abandoned us, that is why there is evil in the world. A Jew's job, is in fact, two fold;
1) The most important job, is to preserve the bloodline of the first man, Adam. That whole, silly "mother" rule the ashkenazi emphasize so much, is in fact a corruption. A Jew, a true Jew, must be HEBREW, not EUROPEAN. No, sorry Jewish girls, you can't screw who you please and remain Jewish; have anyone else's babies except ours and you become cherem, according to the ancient laws. The Messiah has to be a MALE descendant of David, and the more Jewish women marry outside the Hebrew people the lower the odds become BUT, in the end though it doesn't matter; ashkenazi Jews are descended from the Levite priests anyway, and the Messiah is supposed to come from the tribe of Judah, so, of all the tribes, only the tribe of Judah is obligated to remain pure so I SUPPOSE the Levites can breed with who they like. But for god's sake don't usurp the title of "Jew" because, damn it, its clear you're mostly European! To avoid confusion; a Jew, is a descendant of the Hebrews, pure or watered down, a descendant of the Hebrews, on both sides. Sorry, no WASP looking Jews allowed. Proper Jewish girls, need to have "bird" features. Incidentally Natalie Portman looks like an owl; yes, an extremely, squeezably cute, adorable owl, that looks even more squeezably cute and adorable when its told that its cute.
2) Moving on, the second most important job, is to ensure all laws are followed, as they pertain to non-priest Jews, and the Levite priests must, at all costs, ensure that Torah scrolls survive. Even at the cost of their own lives if necessary. Kabalists believe the Torah scrolls posses a coded message, that, if read over and over, in time, a person's soul will become purified. Contrary to that "Judaism for sale" Kabalah stuff done by Rav Berg, being a Kabalist is not so simple, as buying a stupid ribbon, wearing it around your wrist and saying "yay! I'm into Kabalah!" To be a Kabalist, you need to follow the Hebrew bible virtually flawlessly; you can not break ANY of the ethical laws. See Judaic law is divided into two; Moses, wrote laws pertaining to ethical behavior, and laws pertaining to every day life. Reform Jews have argued, that ancient laws do not apply today because come on, when was the last time someone stole your ox? Also, if you are one of those ashkenazi turds who deflowered some skank in a Jewish summer camp, when was the last time you heard "sorry; I took your daughter's virginity, here's 200 bucks" when was the last time you heard that happening? The point I'm trying to make is that reform Jews have argued that the old laws should be preserved only for historical, sentimental value, not to actually follow them. Reform Judaism makes the argument that all that is necessary is ethical law, and, usually, when Kabalists refer to following the law flawlessly, they refer to the moral laws. After a person has done this for several years (it has to be a man by the way), and successfully raised a family, because in Judaism, unless you have successfully raised a FUNCTIONAL child to adulthood, you are not considered a man, anyway, following the law flawlessly, and proving you are a good family man, will qualify you, finally, to become initiated into Zohar study. Zohar study is an intensive period of study, and meditation on combinations of letters of the Hebrew alphabet, roughly lasting around 20 years. The purpose is soul purification; in Kabalah there is a notion, that a soul can become so pure, God will take it to heaven without that person dying. Enoch, according to Kabalah, was the first Kabalist; the secrets he figured out, he handed down generation after generation. The reason the Hebrew people have not gone extinct, according to some Kabalist claims, is because aside from God, Kabalist saints, men who have transcended the physical world, have been watching over the whole entirety of the Jewish people. Here's the kicker though; they only protect those Jews, who behave in an ethical manner. The Holocaust Jews, they literally "fed to the wolves." There are many Orthodox Jews, who take that stuff very seriously; if any of you are reading, I'm sorry, I know this stuff scares you, that is not my intention.
Sorry, but Rav and Yehuda Berg are both wrong; Kabalah isn't for everyone. A person has to be a Jew, or, come from a Jewish family that has been Jewish for at least three generations, new converts, can not pursue Kabalist study. I'll let you in on a little secret, about the Jewish people; the religion, is rules, rules, rules, and then more rules, supporting other rules, which in turn, yeah, you guessed right, support even more rules. The reason Jews stereotypically make good lawyers, believe it or not, is because of Hebrew school; Jews are trained to play around with laws from the age of 5. What does civilization, strictly speaking, depend on? What else? The law. The ability to play around with the law, confers upon a given individual, unbelievable power, power that secular Jews, do not always pair, with the moral laws of the Hebrew bible. Do not attempt to debate, or argue against, a 90 year old Rabbi, because you won't win.
Now, the connection; most of the stuff I read about the Messiah in Judaism, comes from Kabalist writting. His identity is never actually revealed, however what is revealed, is that for most of his life he will suffer from an unnamed skin disease, he will be an outcast among his people, and he will in fact have more enemies than friends, from within the Jewish communities the world over. Then there is also that stuff about the reuniting of the 12 tribes, etc, etc, etc. Also, Kabalist writting on Messianic prophecy, makes no mention of him ever reestablishing the Sanhedrin council. Also, contrary to Orthodox Judaism, yes, the Messiah will be born from a natural birth, a mother and a father, nowhere does it mention anything about an imaculate conception, and although born of this world, he will not be OF this world. That is, in terms of character, in terms of personality, etc, he will be VERY "otherworldly." If I remember correctly;
"He will be born of human parents, but in the womb he will be formed by God."
In other words, the Messiah, according to Kabalah, is to be unlike any man born before him, even in his own bloodline. Considering his job ("King of the World") that would pretty much demand not mere "rareness," but uniqueness, meaning, there will be no other man like him, when he is born, in the whole world. I'm sorry but....
If you watch anime (and Hentai), if you're a "weirdo," if you whine a lot, e.g. you're a walking stereotype, odds are you're not the Messiah so please, get over it.
Typical of all young Jewish males, and this happened in my early 20's, I had a Messiah complex.
It was different though; my complex involved a belief, that I would become a real life "Neo." That is, that I would be the "messiah" of martial arts.
Thanks to Daoist meditation, sweeping floors to instill meditation, etc, I'm over it now though. There is a joke in Jewish communities all over the world that, at some point or another all Jewish males go through a "Messiah complex." Mine was pretty unique though; I didn't wanna be king! I wanted to be a martial arts hero god damn it! Being a king is boring! Now, HEROES, they get to have all the fun! Plus, heroes get exotic women!
Joking around aside; its important to read all literature in Judaism pertaining to the Messiah, I know I did, when through hypnotherapy I discovered, for certain, that I was Jewish. The first thing I was afraid of when I conclusively discovered my identity was not racism (used to it), or persecution, but rather it was the developing of a Messiah complex. So, to prevent it, I read voraciously on the subject. I then created a check list, went down it a couple of times and said "alright, its not me; I can go back to playing video games now" and, pretty much moved on with my life. Besides; the Messiah will be a tall man, I think around 6 feet or 6'2, in the Kabalah literature a different measure was used but for sure it said he would be a tall man. I suppose my memory fails, but the height of 6 feet is considered to be optimal for a man. Optimal in terms of physical strength, health, etc.
No, sorry, Jews don't want world domination; ruling the world is the Messiah's job but see, some prophecies pertaining to him also warned, that the Messiah would punish wicked Jews. Did I say punish? I meant, wipe out; there is a reason some in Israel are not comfortable with the prophecies you know, many of those douche bags know they, or their descendants, are gonna get it, if that turns out to be true.
There are a lot of dark elements to the prophecies, its not all a peachy rose garden that ends with peace for the world; the reign of the Messiah, according to all prophecies in both regular Judaism and Kabalah, in the begining it will be a bloody one. The most powerful nations of the earth, and the most powerful kings of the earth, will attempt to destroy him, and his kingdom, because, people will look to Israel as a "model country." That is, people will look to Israel and say "gee, why can't we have that?" So many countries will say "gee, why can't we have that!?" that, they will send their armies over to destroy it.
See, this is not unreasonable, because in history, it has happened once before, namely, in China. Kong Fu Tze (Confucius), finally, as an old man, found a young lord in a Chinese Kingdom, who agreed to rule his kingdom according to his teachings. In that Kingdom, there was no poverty, no crime, even the poorest person had a high living standard, and no merchant cheated his costumer. In other words Kong Fu Tze's teachings had achieved for the ruler, a truly utopic society. Neighboring kingdoms though, ruled by brutal warlords, saw that their people looked upon that kingdom, and they complained saying "why can't WE live like that?" The warlords would have none of it, so they sought to destroy it. Militarily the kingdom was too powerful for an outright invasion, so they came up with another plan; they scoured their own lands for the prettiest girls, and sent them to the young ruler. The young ruler spent all his time with the pretty girls, and not ruling, pretty soon, his kingdom fell into decay and corruption, Kong Fu Tze walked away in shame. They have a Confucius documentary on the History channel, that's where I got this from; its a very well known story in China though.
See according to prophecy, the Messiah will turn Israel into such a utopic, near paradisical country, ALL countries in the world, or rather many countries, will feel jealous. Or rather than "jealous," people will look on Israel, and demand, of their own governments, similar laws, similar treatment from the powerful, etc. Powerful, selfish people do not love anybody except themselves, and to stay in power, they would indeed attempt to destroy Israel, if it meant destroying the "hope of the world, and light unto all nations." Israel today is hardly a paradisical country; it is corrupt, crime ridden, with one of the grossest wealth disparities in the middle east. Even Jordan is a better place to live than Israel. Israel only has a high quality of life for the ashkenazi, and even then it is only a few ashkenazi.
When, according to prophecy, Israel achieves utopia, other nations of the world will attempt to destroy it, specifically the most powerful ones. China, is not powerful. Ever read the Art of War? "When you are weak, pretend you are strong." If that's the case then China must be weak as a kitten. Militarily, China was in fact at its most powerful, during the reign of "Chairman Mao," but, after Mao's death, the truth is, the military is not as well organized, disciplined or efficient as it used to be, like all institutions in modern China it is racked with corruption. It could defeat the United States in a war, but it would have to fight it in its own turf, and the Chinese army is so poorly trained, they would loose millions of men. In other words, a war with China would cripple both the U.S., and China, there would be no victor. The two don't fight, because the two would kill each other. Personally I do not see China, or any Asian country as an enemy to Israel in prophecy, besides to get there they have to go through Iran. Mountainous, very-dangerous-to-invade-even-with-a-big-army Iran.
Moving on; most of the world is in fact economically bound to the anglosphere, and most of western Europe, so, if the prophecies are true, I see them as the enemies of Israel.
This time though, in picking a fight with the Messiah, I think the western powers will have bitten off more than they can chew; we are talking about a descendant of King David here, someone
"strong like samson, handsome like Joseph, wise like Solomon, cunning like David."
The Messiah will be the greatest war master in the whole of human history; he will crush, cripple and utterly destroy, anyone who attacks Israel, no matter how huge, no matter how powerful.
David, slew Goliath; in the modern world, the Anglo-Sphere and their Muslim oil rich friends, are the new Goliath.
Food for thought; its entirely possible that the rest of the world would see the Messiah as somewhat of a hero and liberator, and that is how perhaps, he will come to rule.
Again though, prophecy specifically dictates, that he will be the most cunning general of all time, as well as a "peerless warrior."
So, unless you can play that perfect Chess game, or smack the crap out of 200 men on your own, chances are its not you, if you are a Jewish male. Again; the prophecies speak of some ridiculously high standards here, standards that no normal man can hope to meet.
Believe it or not world peace; the end goal of the Jewish religion, is the "return to Eden."
Although when God newly created the world according to the book of Genesis, was in fact breathtaking and paradisical, it was in Eden, where the spirit of God dwelt. When the Earth was newly made, it was so pure, so unpolluted spiritually, that God could dwell here, without anything in it being damaged. See, now, here I need to borrow from Buddhism and Daoism, because Judaism does not cover this (that I'm aware of), when a soul is impure, the purity of heaven, will cause ridiculous amounts of pain. The purity of the heaven realms, is EXTREMELY painful to demons, and hungry ghosts, according to Buddhism. In other words if the spirit of God were to descend on earth, his very pressence, would cause all children over 13, unimaginable agony. Kids would be just fine, they would feel no pain because they are still innocent, same with what few pure hearted people exist in this world, everyone else though would feel unimaginable torment and agony. Hence the reason God does not dwell on earth. He is everywhere, and nowhere, his eye is everywhere, but his fully manifested spirit, does not dwell here, because the earth is too spiritually polluted.
Yes, God can make it so that even the impure can be in his presence, problem is, you can't seriously expect God to do everything for us now do you? See, that is the whole problem; when Adam and Eve tasted the proverbial apple, in choosing separation, they also chose independence. See there was a time when God would handle everything; however in eating the proverbial forbidden fruit, suddenly, everything rests on humanity's shoulders.
Yeah, you read right, at its core Judaism basically says God has abandoned us, that is why there is evil in the world. A Jew's job, is in fact, two fold;
1) The most important job, is to preserve the bloodline of the first man, Adam. That whole, silly "mother" rule the ashkenazi emphasize so much, is in fact a corruption. A Jew, a true Jew, must be HEBREW, not EUROPEAN. No, sorry Jewish girls, you can't screw who you please and remain Jewish; have anyone else's babies except ours and you become cherem, according to the ancient laws. The Messiah has to be a MALE descendant of David, and the more Jewish women marry outside the Hebrew people the lower the odds become BUT, in the end though it doesn't matter; ashkenazi Jews are descended from the Levite priests anyway, and the Messiah is supposed to come from the tribe of Judah, so, of all the tribes, only the tribe of Judah is obligated to remain pure so I SUPPOSE the Levites can breed with who they like. But for god's sake don't usurp the title of "Jew" because, damn it, its clear you're mostly European! To avoid confusion; a Jew, is a descendant of the Hebrews, pure or watered down, a descendant of the Hebrews, on both sides. Sorry, no WASP looking Jews allowed. Proper Jewish girls, need to have "bird" features. Incidentally Natalie Portman looks like an owl; yes, an extremely, squeezably cute, adorable owl, that looks even more squeezably cute and adorable when its told that its cute.
2) Moving on, the second most important job, is to ensure all laws are followed, as they pertain to non-priest Jews, and the Levite priests must, at all costs, ensure that Torah scrolls survive. Even at the cost of their own lives if necessary. Kabalists believe the Torah scrolls posses a coded message, that, if read over and over, in time, a person's soul will become purified. Contrary to that "Judaism for sale" Kabalah stuff done by Rav Berg, being a Kabalist is not so simple, as buying a stupid ribbon, wearing it around your wrist and saying "yay! I'm into Kabalah!" To be a Kabalist, you need to follow the Hebrew bible virtually flawlessly; you can not break ANY of the ethical laws. See Judaic law is divided into two; Moses, wrote laws pertaining to ethical behavior, and laws pertaining to every day life. Reform Jews have argued, that ancient laws do not apply today because come on, when was the last time someone stole your ox? Also, if you are one of those ashkenazi turds who deflowered some skank in a Jewish summer camp, when was the last time you heard "sorry; I took your daughter's virginity, here's 200 bucks" when was the last time you heard that happening? The point I'm trying to make is that reform Jews have argued that the old laws should be preserved only for historical, sentimental value, not to actually follow them. Reform Judaism makes the argument that all that is necessary is ethical law, and, usually, when Kabalists refer to following the law flawlessly, they refer to the moral laws. After a person has done this for several years (it has to be a man by the way), and successfully raised a family, because in Judaism, unless you have successfully raised a FUNCTIONAL child to adulthood, you are not considered a man, anyway, following the law flawlessly, and proving you are a good family man, will qualify you, finally, to become initiated into Zohar study. Zohar study is an intensive period of study, and meditation on combinations of letters of the Hebrew alphabet, roughly lasting around 20 years. The purpose is soul purification; in Kabalah there is a notion, that a soul can become so pure, God will take it to heaven without that person dying. Enoch, according to Kabalah, was the first Kabalist; the secrets he figured out, he handed down generation after generation. The reason the Hebrew people have not gone extinct, according to some Kabalist claims, is because aside from God, Kabalist saints, men who have transcended the physical world, have been watching over the whole entirety of the Jewish people. Here's the kicker though; they only protect those Jews, who behave in an ethical manner. The Holocaust Jews, they literally "fed to the wolves." There are many Orthodox Jews, who take that stuff very seriously; if any of you are reading, I'm sorry, I know this stuff scares you, that is not my intention.
Sorry, but Rav and Yehuda Berg are both wrong; Kabalah isn't for everyone. A person has to be a Jew, or, come from a Jewish family that has been Jewish for at least three generations, new converts, can not pursue Kabalist study. I'll let you in on a little secret, about the Jewish people; the religion, is rules, rules, rules, and then more rules, supporting other rules, which in turn, yeah, you guessed right, support even more rules. The reason Jews stereotypically make good lawyers, believe it or not, is because of Hebrew school; Jews are trained to play around with laws from the age of 5. What does civilization, strictly speaking, depend on? What else? The law. The ability to play around with the law, confers upon a given individual, unbelievable power, power that secular Jews, do not always pair, with the moral laws of the Hebrew bible. Do not attempt to debate, or argue against, a 90 year old Rabbi, because you won't win.
Now, the connection; most of the stuff I read about the Messiah in Judaism, comes from Kabalist writting. His identity is never actually revealed, however what is revealed, is that for most of his life he will suffer from an unnamed skin disease, he will be an outcast among his people, and he will in fact have more enemies than friends, from within the Jewish communities the world over. Then there is also that stuff about the reuniting of the 12 tribes, etc, etc, etc. Also, Kabalist writting on Messianic prophecy, makes no mention of him ever reestablishing the Sanhedrin council. Also, contrary to Orthodox Judaism, yes, the Messiah will be born from a natural birth, a mother and a father, nowhere does it mention anything about an imaculate conception, and although born of this world, he will not be OF this world. That is, in terms of character, in terms of personality, etc, he will be VERY "otherworldly." If I remember correctly;
"He will be born of human parents, but in the womb he will be formed by God."
In other words, the Messiah, according to Kabalah, is to be unlike any man born before him, even in his own bloodline. Considering his job ("King of the World") that would pretty much demand not mere "rareness," but uniqueness, meaning, there will be no other man like him, when he is born, in the whole world. I'm sorry but....
If you watch anime (and Hentai), if you're a "weirdo," if you whine a lot, e.g. you're a walking stereotype, odds are you're not the Messiah so please, get over it.
Typical of all young Jewish males, and this happened in my early 20's, I had a Messiah complex.
It was different though; my complex involved a belief, that I would become a real life "Neo." That is, that I would be the "messiah" of martial arts.
Thanks to Daoist meditation, sweeping floors to instill meditation, etc, I'm over it now though. There is a joke in Jewish communities all over the world that, at some point or another all Jewish males go through a "Messiah complex." Mine was pretty unique though; I didn't wanna be king! I wanted to be a martial arts hero god damn it! Being a king is boring! Now, HEROES, they get to have all the fun! Plus, heroes get exotic women!
Joking around aside; its important to read all literature in Judaism pertaining to the Messiah, I know I did, when through hypnotherapy I discovered, for certain, that I was Jewish. The first thing I was afraid of when I conclusively discovered my identity was not racism (used to it), or persecution, but rather it was the developing of a Messiah complex. So, to prevent it, I read voraciously on the subject. I then created a check list, went down it a couple of times and said "alright, its not me; I can go back to playing video games now" and, pretty much moved on with my life. Besides; the Messiah will be a tall man, I think around 6 feet or 6'2, in the Kabalah literature a different measure was used but for sure it said he would be a tall man. I suppose my memory fails, but the height of 6 feet is considered to be optimal for a man. Optimal in terms of physical strength, health, etc.
No, sorry, Jews don't want world domination; ruling the world is the Messiah's job but see, some prophecies pertaining to him also warned, that the Messiah would punish wicked Jews. Did I say punish? I meant, wipe out; there is a reason some in Israel are not comfortable with the prophecies you know, many of those douche bags know they, or their descendants, are gonna get it, if that turns out to be true.
There are a lot of dark elements to the prophecies, its not all a peachy rose garden that ends with peace for the world; the reign of the Messiah, according to all prophecies in both regular Judaism and Kabalah, in the begining it will be a bloody one. The most powerful nations of the earth, and the most powerful kings of the earth, will attempt to destroy him, and his kingdom, because, people will look to Israel as a "model country." That is, people will look to Israel and say "gee, why can't we have that?" So many countries will say "gee, why can't we have that!?" that, they will send their armies over to destroy it.
See, this is not unreasonable, because in history, it has happened once before, namely, in China. Kong Fu Tze (Confucius), finally, as an old man, found a young lord in a Chinese Kingdom, who agreed to rule his kingdom according to his teachings. In that Kingdom, there was no poverty, no crime, even the poorest person had a high living standard, and no merchant cheated his costumer. In other words Kong Fu Tze's teachings had achieved for the ruler, a truly utopic society. Neighboring kingdoms though, ruled by brutal warlords, saw that their people looked upon that kingdom, and they complained saying "why can't WE live like that?" The warlords would have none of it, so they sought to destroy it. Militarily the kingdom was too powerful for an outright invasion, so they came up with another plan; they scoured their own lands for the prettiest girls, and sent them to the young ruler. The young ruler spent all his time with the pretty girls, and not ruling, pretty soon, his kingdom fell into decay and corruption, Kong Fu Tze walked away in shame. They have a Confucius documentary on the History channel, that's where I got this from; its a very well known story in China though.
See according to prophecy, the Messiah will turn Israel into such a utopic, near paradisical country, ALL countries in the world, or rather many countries, will feel jealous. Or rather than "jealous," people will look on Israel, and demand, of their own governments, similar laws, similar treatment from the powerful, etc. Powerful, selfish people do not love anybody except themselves, and to stay in power, they would indeed attempt to destroy Israel, if it meant destroying the "hope of the world, and light unto all nations." Israel today is hardly a paradisical country; it is corrupt, crime ridden, with one of the grossest wealth disparities in the middle east. Even Jordan is a better place to live than Israel. Israel only has a high quality of life for the ashkenazi, and even then it is only a few ashkenazi.
When, according to prophecy, Israel achieves utopia, other nations of the world will attempt to destroy it, specifically the most powerful ones. China, is not powerful. Ever read the Art of War? "When you are weak, pretend you are strong." If that's the case then China must be weak as a kitten. Militarily, China was in fact at its most powerful, during the reign of "Chairman Mao," but, after Mao's death, the truth is, the military is not as well organized, disciplined or efficient as it used to be, like all institutions in modern China it is racked with corruption. It could defeat the United States in a war, but it would have to fight it in its own turf, and the Chinese army is so poorly trained, they would loose millions of men. In other words, a war with China would cripple both the U.S., and China, there would be no victor. The two don't fight, because the two would kill each other. Personally I do not see China, or any Asian country as an enemy to Israel in prophecy, besides to get there they have to go through Iran. Mountainous, very-dangerous-to-invade-even-with-a-big-army Iran.
Moving on; most of the world is in fact economically bound to the anglosphere, and most of western Europe, so, if the prophecies are true, I see them as the enemies of Israel.
This time though, in picking a fight with the Messiah, I think the western powers will have bitten off more than they can chew; we are talking about a descendant of King David here, someone
"strong like samson, handsome like Joseph, wise like Solomon, cunning like David."
The Messiah will be the greatest war master in the whole of human history; he will crush, cripple and utterly destroy, anyone who attacks Israel, no matter how huge, no matter how powerful.
David, slew Goliath; in the modern world, the Anglo-Sphere and their Muslim oil rich friends, are the new Goliath.
Food for thought; its entirely possible that the rest of the world would see the Messiah as somewhat of a hero and liberator, and that is how perhaps, he will come to rule.
Again though, prophecy specifically dictates, that he will be the most cunning general of all time, as well as a "peerless warrior."
So, unless you can play that perfect Chess game, or smack the crap out of 200 men on your own, chances are its not you, if you are a Jewish male. Again; the prophecies speak of some ridiculously high standards here, standards that no normal man can hope to meet.