A acusação messiânica de que os judeus é que seguiam a Bar Kochbá não procede

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz »»
------ The official theology of the Jewish people ------ 
One must be cautioned that when speaking about Kabbalah, it does not refer to the numerous imitations being sold nowadays in the form of little booklets, red strings, and healing waters.
All of these approaches take the name of Kabbalah in vain, for the utmost secrets of the world and the promise of eternal life, protective angels (hei Eliezer Abensur, ele escreveu "anjos" e não mensageiros), and supreme devotion cannot be purchased for five cents apiece.
This type of commercialized mysticism is surely more propagated today than authentic Kabbalah and has the dangerous ability to deceive the masses into believing that they have discovered the essence of Kabbalah.
Kabbalah is—or at least has been for the last five hundred years—the official theology of the Jewish people. It is the route to gaining a better understanding of the relationship between man and G-d. - Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz

Então não existem anjos?

Eliezer Abensur
Anjos rebeldes não.

Veja bem, estou falando do NOSSO ponto de vista.

Link para download da revisão da parashá da semana »»


  • A crença da revolta dos anjos é Budista-Hinduísta, não vem do Judaísmo.

    Os únicos escritos em grego são os 12 profetas.


    • Eliezer Abensur São os grupos parcialmente helenizados que seguiram a Bar Kochbá, não somos nós.

    • Eliezer Abensur Você se refere aos Kanaim, os Zelotes, subgrupo dos Notsrim, Nazarenos.


    • O Livro de Enoque conta a história dos anjos e a sua queda

    • Eliezer Abensur Mas não é crença nossa, os grupos de Qumran são os grupos que seguia a Bar Kochbá e foram mortos na batalha de Betar em 132 d.C.

    • Eric Koenigkam Está lá. Um registo judaico. Coerente com a doutrina que disse não existir.

    • Eliezer Abensur Nenhum destes grupos existe hoje, dentre eles estavam os Notsrim, os nazarenos.

    • Eliezer Abensur Não é um registo judaico é para-judaico

    • Eliezer Abensur Os textos deles não são Kasher.

    • Eric Koenigkam Eram zelosos pela PALAVRA. Guardaram para a posteridade. Sabiam do perigo de perdê-las. Eram judeus...

    • Eliezer Abensur Parabiblical Texts (חיבורים על המקרא) –

      The term "Parabiblical texts" is used here to refer to texts that relate to scriptural works by re-telling, expanding upon, or embellishing biblical stories or legal texts. Examples are the Genesis Apocryphon, Enoch, and the Temple Scroll. Some books categorized as parabiblical, e.g., Jubilees or the Aramaic Levi Document, may have been given scriptural status by certain groups in ancient times

      • All of the Greek texts among the Dead Sea Scrolls are written in koine, the common dialect of the post-classical Hellenistic and Roman worlds and the New Testament language. A total of 27 Greek manuscripts have been identified from the Qumran caves. This includes all remains of 19 papyri found in Qumran Cave 7, and several Greek manuscripts preserved in Cave 4, made up of mostly biblical fragments. While the majority of the Cave 7 manuscripts cannot be identified, exceptions are a copy of Exodus and an Apocrypha work, the Epistle of Jeremiah. Attempts to identify some Cave 7 Greek fragments as Enoch are subject to debate, while attempts to identify fragments as New Testament have proven unsuccessful.

      • Eliezer Abensur Não existe nenhum Evangelho entre os manuscritos do mar morto.

      • Eliezer Abensur Documents and Letters

        Bar Kokhba Letters (איגרות בר כוכבא) – Fifteen military letters were found stored in a leather waterskin in Cave 5/6 of Nahal Hever, known as the Cave of the Letters. All of the letters in this bundle were written by men who were
         involved with the administration of Shim‘on b. Kosiba, the leader of the Bar Kokhba Revolt, and most were written in Shim‘on’s name.

        Archive of Babatha (ארכיון בבתא) – The personal archive of Babatha, apparently a refugee during the Bar Kokhba Revolt, was found in Cave 5/6 of Nahal Hever, known as the Cave of the Letters. These thirty-five financial documents, including marriage contracts, land deeds, and bills of sale, had been wrapped in a package stored inside a leather purse and placed in a concealed crevice inside the cave, presumably for safekeeping for future retrieval. Most of the Babatha documents are well preserved and feature explicit dates, ranging from 94-132 ce. The archive includes documents written in Aramaic, Nabatean and Greek

        Archive of Eleazar ben Shmuel (ארכיון אלעזר בן שמואל) – In addition to the Bar Kokhba and Babatha archives, the Cave of the Letters also yielded another small collection of documents. Five contracts belonging to Eleazar the son of Shmuel, a farmer from Ein Gedi, were found inside a leather purse concealed in a crevice alongside the Babatha archive. An additional papyrus document belonging to Eleazar was found hidden inside a reed.

        Alleged Qumran Documents (תעודות לכאורה ממערות קומראן) – Some of the documents sold by Bedouin to the Rockefeller Museum were attributed to Qumran caves but may actually have been found elsewhere. In at least one of these cases, a Qumran Cave origin does in fact seem likely. One fragment is an account in Greek that was probably written on the back of a Qumran Scroll.


    • Não é um Debate Teológico? Qual o motivo de tanta baixaria? Creio que o Eterno, criador de tudo que existe e de tudo o que há, não fica nem um pouco satisfeito com isso. Devemos trocar ideias e não farpas, confrontos, principalmente aqueles que se dizem CRISTÃOS. Que exemplo vocês estão dando?

    • Eliezer Abensur Documents and Letters

      Bar Kokhba Letters (איגרות בר כוכבא) – Fifteen military letters were found stored in a leather waterskin in Cave 5/6 of Nahal Hever, known as the Cave of the Letters. All of the letters in this bundle were written by men who were
       involved with the administration of Shim‘on b. Kosiba, the leader of the Bar Kokhba Revolt, and most were written in Shim‘on’s name.

      Archive of Babatha (ארכיון בבתא) – The personal archive of Babatha, apparently a refugee during the Bar Kokhba Revolt, was found in Cave 5/6 of Nahal Hever, known as the Cave of the Letters. These thirty-five financial documents, including marriage contracts, land deeds, and bills of sale, had been wrapped in a package stored inside a leather purse and placed in a concealed crevice inside the cave, presumably for safekeeping for future retrieval. Most of the Babatha documents are well preserved and feature explicit dates, ranging from 94-132 ce. The archive includes documents written in Aramaic, Nabatean and Greek

      Archive of Eleazar ben Shmuel (ארכיון אלעזר בן שמואל) – In addition to the Bar Kokhba and Babatha archives, the Cave of the Letters also yielded another small collection of documents. Five contracts belonging to Eleazar the son of Shmuel, a farmer from Ein Gedi, were found inside a leather purse concealed in a crevice alongside the Babatha archive. An additional papyrus document belonging to Eleazar was found hidden inside a reed.

    • Eliezer Abensur Acharam as cartas de Bar Kochbá lá, e as cavernas onde ele se refugiou.

    • Eliezer Abensur A acusação messiânica de que nós é que seguíamos a Bar Kochbá não procede.


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