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TODOS OS MEUS EBOOKS E PDFS GRÁTIS E EM SEGURANÇA [também opinião sobre a Igreja e o Social e uma crónica de Saramago]

Revista de medios

¿Para qué sirve una buena nota de una agencia de calificación si esa nota no tiene en cuenta el acceso a la educación de los ciudadanos, la asistencia médica cuando están enfermos y sus derechos fundamentales?.

Religión y política

Liga BBVA 2011-2012


NÃO assistam ao filme "O Preço do Amanhã" (In Time). A história é interessante, mas o roteiro... ! C/  e 
 Aida Rivero 

q gaaanas de ver   

A atriz Amanda Seyfried adora aproveitar o sol de Miami, nos Estados Unidos, onde ela está passando alguns dias de férias, vestido nada mais que um biquíni.
E tem como reclamar? É lógico que não, nós amamos! Aliás, dias antes ela também passeava pela cidade com um outro modelo de biquíni…
Pode sair sempre assim, Amanda!
[foto de la noticia] 

BabyBieber <3

Kaci Kruz

I almost threw up a little bit.

Demi Lovato had a disgusting wardrobe malfunction... but it had nothing to do with her clothes.  Her hair extension got caught on her arm, and yep, she yanked out a chunk of hair. EW EW EW!  See it happen (if you dare) at :47 in.


Go Bieber, go Bieber!

I never thought I'd say this, but I loved when Bieber came out during LMFAO's performance at the AMAs last night!  Watch the finale -


Why gyno appointments never get less awkward

I hate going to the gyno.  There's nothing enjoyable about it (despite what some guys may think).  The worst is when they question you - Are you single? (Yes) Are you sexually active? ... Now what are you supposed to say here? If you say no,  they pity you. If you say yes, they judge you. Then of course it's awkward when they say "sooo I know we just met 2 minutes ago, but lie back and spread your legs."

But today was especially awkward.  As she's doing her thing, she asked where I work. I told her I work for a radio station, but then she wanted to know which station and when I'm on air.  Her response to that was, "Okay you might feel a little pinch now. So you're on today at noon? I'll have to listen!  Does this hurt?"  Now I LOVE when people say they listen, but can you wait a week after you've been all up in my business?  I don't need anyone turning on the radio and saying, "Oh hey I saw her cervix today!"

What else don't you want to hear at the gyno?  Let's make a list on facebook


Did Bieber take a paternity test?

Justin Bieber and his manager said Thursday that a paternity test was scheduled for Friday, and that he was more than willing to take it.  So....  odds are, Bieber took a paternity test last week.  I'll let you know when the results are out!

Now, is it just me... or are you waiting for Bieber to say "I can't be the baby's father, I'm a virgin!" I just think of Justin and Selena as the cute little middle school couple who holds hands in the hall at school.  It's weird to think of them getting naked together! ew.

Tags :
Topics: Human Interest
People: Justin Bieber

Breaking Dawn review - NO SPOILERS! :)

We did an advanced screening of Breaking Dawn last night, and people have been asking me how it is! I didn't want to give anything away on facebook, and I still won't give any spoilers away, but here's why you NEED to see Breaking Dawn:

It.  Is.  AMAZING.  Best Twilight movie!  Taylor Lautner was probably my favorite - his acting was really good!  If you're even the slightest Twilight fan, definitely go see it.  And don't wait for it to come out on DVD!  Those wolves are something you need to see on the BIG screen!

Also, wait a little bit during the credits.  There's a hidden final scene. ;)


But if you have, it's okay because I'm not about to say anything you don't already know about the story.

There's been a lot of talk about them dialing down the love scene to keep it PG-13, but the movie is still pretty graphic.  The love scene is just one of the many intense parts of the movie! Someone on facebook asked if they should take their 11 and 8 year olds. I would say 11 is the absolute youngest I would let in - don't take your younger kids!

Let me know when you see it!! I'm DYING to talk to someone about it!!! :) 

(4) Comments

Have you been to this Greenville store?

 You know how much I love shopping.  You also know how much I love tweeting and facebooking when I have really great customer service somewhere (hi, Whole Foods on Woodruff!).  But I had a not-so-great (in fact, downright awful) experience at a boutique in Greenville, and I want to know if this has happened to you.

A few weeks ago, I went to Fab'rik in the Shops at Greenridge looking for a dress for a wedding.  I found the PERFECT one - very basic, neutral. I got it because I could easily dress it up for different holiday parties, or wear it to work.  It wasn't super expensive, but also not what I would spend on a dress just for a wedding.  But since I could wear it to our company Christmas party plus my family's party, I figured it was worth it.

The first (and only) time I wore it was to the wedding.  I had it on for maybe 4 hours that day.  When I got home, I realized the neckline and pockets ripped past the point of fixing.  I had done nothing that could have caused that.  I immediately took it back to the store, thinking they'd at least exchange it.  NOPE!  The manager said it couldn't have been a manufactoring issue, and that I HAD to have pulled on it.  I was right there telling her that did not happen, but she insinuated I was lying and refused to take the dress back.  I later emailed her telling her how disappointed and disrespected I felt. I used to work in retail - taking back a damaged item was NEVER questioned!  She emailed me back - days later - apologizing for my bad experience, but still insisting that it was not a manufacturing issue.

I'm sorry, but shouldn't a dress be able to last at least through a wedding?? Then, after them insisting it wasn't their fault, I heard that Fab'rik featured some clothes in a local fashion show, and two of the dresses ripped - just by being worn by a model for the show!!

Has something like this ever happened to you? Were you able to get your money back?

I'm still looking for a fun boutique with QUALITY clothing and great customer service!  Tell me on facebookwhere YOU shop! :) 

(2) Comments
Tags :
Locations: Greenville

The new Snow White movie looks GOOD!

Definitely not for the little kiddies... I can't wait for it to come out!!  Since I can't post the video on my page, clickhere to see the trailer! 

What's up with those dance moves...?

 Dear Matt Nathanson,

You know how much I love you.  We really bonded during your Sexy Matt show a couple months ago.  And your song "Run" with Sugarland is amazing!  But... what was up with those moves last night at the CMAs? I couldn't tell if you were trying to walk... or what was going on.

Love, Kaci

Tags :
Topics: Human Interest
People: Matt Nathanson

BREAKING DAWN PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 You HAVE to come out to Wild Wing Cafe this Friday!! We're having a Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 1 release party 10-mid with Twilight drink specials AND passes to our special viewing of Breaking Dawn!!!!! :) I'm so excited. Maybe a little too excited.  Check out the contents of my purse...

Tags :
Topics: Politics

Wait... what's racy about it?

The UK banned the Marc Jacobs ad with Dakota Fanning because it's "too racy".  Umm... I don't think it is at all.  Do you?  See it here and tell me what you think! 
(1) Comments

The "Rum Pum Pum" Song

 I know I know I know, it's not even Thanksgiving yet... I know. But I LOOOOOOVE Christmas music, and I'm waiting not-so-patiently to bust out my Carpenters Christmas album without judgment!

In my house, Thanksgiving and Christmas are mushed together to form one giant, jolly holiday season.  To us, it's always been about getting together with family. We celebrate each the same way - with big parties and turkey - so I've never thought of Thanksgiving and Christmas as being totally separate from eachother.  (That's my reasoning for listening to Chrsitmas music early...)

We always made a big deal out of this holiday season, and one of my favorite memories is asking my mom 10 times a day to play "the rum pum pum song".  She knew immediately what I meant - The Little Drummer Boy.  But not just any version, it HAD to be Andy Williams. (At age 3, that's all I knew of)  I used to think he was so cute; I would kiss his cd cover... LOL don't judge!

I was so sad to hear he has bladder cancer. :'( Luckily he's going through treatments, and plans to be performing again next year!  Wishing you a speedy recovery, Andy!  May you perform the Rum Pum Pum song many many times more...

Tags :
Topics: Entertainment_Culture
People: Andy Williams

The "Rum Pum Pum" Song

 I know I know I know, it's not even Thanksgiving yet... I know. But I LOOOOOOVE Christmas music, and I'm waiting not-so-patiently to bust out my Carpenters Christmas album without judgment!

In my house, Thanksgiving and Christmas are mushed together to form one giant, jolly holiday season.  To us, it's always been about getting together with family. We celebrate each the same way - with big parties and turkey - so I've never thought of Thanksgiving and Christmas as being totally separate from eachother.  (That's my reasoning for listening to Chrsitmas music early...)

We always made a big deal out of this holiday season, and one of my favorite memories is asking my mom 10 times a day to play "the rum pum pum song".  She knew immediately what I meant - The Little Drummer Boy.  But not just any version, it HAD to be Andy Williams. (At age 3, that's all I knew of)  I used to think he was so cute; I would kiss his cd cover... LOL don't judge!

I was so sad to hear he has bladder cancer. :'( Luckily he's going through treatments, and plans to be performing again next year!  Wishing you a speedy recovery, Andy!  May you perform the Rum Pum Pum song many many times more...

Tags :
People: Andy Williams