Knowing the Truth »» Christian Science jargon for Spiritual Healing
Truth’s humanity 
- This is the post about a discovery journey on how Christian Science prayer heals through our understanding, application and demonstration of the Laws of G-d – Truth as based on the teaching and practice of Christ Jesus and its healing efficacy today, rediscovered by Mary Baker Eddy (look up for info) as revealed in her book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
- Our mission today is to clarify what is Christian Science healing – in the vernacular of Christian Science jargon “Knowing the Truth.”
- The discovery of Truth led us to the seven synonyms for G-d which open the full spectrum of how we pray in Christian Science. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). Prayer in Christian Science is discovery not recovery and is based on a desire to let G-d’s ever-presence be realized – and knowing that G-d is always good in evidence of peace, joy, health and holiness.
- Christian Science prayer is healing through turning to G-d for solutions to any and all human problems. It is not blind faith, will power, mental suggestion, or mere positive thinking. It is understanding G-d in demonstration of reflection as created in His image and after His likeness. We discover this reflection in the spectrum of light, revealed through the seven synonyms for He/She G-d – Mind. Soul, Spirit, Principle, Life, Truth, Love and experienced by our divine coincidence with Truth. Our discovery and understanding of G-d reveals our identity and individuality in consciousness which is thus reflected in being – the Truth of our image, our identity (oneness) with God and of our likeness, our individuality (sameness) with the HaShem.
- Mary Baker Eddy writes in Science and Health “Mankind will improve through Science and Christianity. The necessity for uplifting the race is father to the fact that Mind can do it; for Mind can impart purity instead of impurity, strength instead of weakness, and health instead of disease. Truth is an alterative in the entire system, and can make it ‘every whit whole’” (page 371). What does alterative mean? The dictionary suggests it is “the act or choice, likely or able to produce a change or modification.” It is important to also remember that the all powerful and always present sunlight of Truth invigorates and purifies our human experience in many important ways!
- Each of us have our own epiphany in Truth discovery and I loved Bob Vessel’s comment in further discovery of his freedom – he writes: “Your opening statement about knowing the truth shall make you free is on the wall at a Christian Science church that I have the pleasure of visiting from time to time as it is on the walls of many Christian Science churches. So over the years I have seen it a lot. But at this particular church in Saratoga Springs the statement took on special meaning for me. As I sat down in this church several weeks ago I looked at the statement which is on the left hand side of the wall in the front of the church. I thought to myself —What is this truth that will set us free? I found the answer to that question on the wall in the middle of the church. ‘God is Love’ Clearly that is the truth that will set us free! Then I thought to myself — Well how will that freedom be manifested in our human experience? I found the answer to this, my final question, in a statement on the right hand side of the wall of that church. ‘Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need’ (Science and Health p.494:10). I feel certain that the statement about truth setting us free will take on special meaning to me from now on, and as I have been pondering this I thought of Mrs. Eddy’s statement: ‘The depth, breadth, height, might, majesty, and glory of infinite Love fill all space. That is enough!’ (Science and Health p. 510:3-5) ‘Free at last. Thank God I am free at last.’”
- In opening the view to our seven synonyms – windows to Truth, Mary Baker Eddy writes in her work entitled, No and Yes, “True prayer is not asking God for love; it is learning to love, and to include all mankind in one affection. Prayer is the utilization of the love wherewith He loves us. Prayer begets an awakened desire to be and do good. It makes new and scientific discoveries of God, of His goodness and power. It shows us more clearly than we saw before, what we already have and are; and most of all, it shows us what God is” (p.39).
- “If the kingdom of God is understood as the consciousness of divine Truth-of the infinite, divine Principle, Love-then healing is indeed an evidence of the appearing of this consciousness in human experience. As individuals, we all still have a great deal to learn as to how to demonstrate more effectively the infinite power of good, or God. But the way has been made clear, and we can rejoice for the progress already made as well as the boundless possibilities ahead” (Christian Science: A Sourcebook for contemporary materials p.125-126).
Note: The blog intends to move on with application of our Truth discovery to healing impositions on Christian Science – relevant to today’s specific challenges to humanity – TruManity – be there!
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generation: Muggles united
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Know the Truth – “The substance of things hoped for”
- This blog has been focused on discovery of “Know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free” (John 8:32) or knowing the Truth, which is Christian Science jargon for spiritual healing.
- We settled on to know the Truth is to demonstrate an understanding of God through the seven synonyms that in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures defines God as the “The great I AM” (p. 587), Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love (p.465).
- We discussed these truths in their healing efficacy of all sin, sickness and death as taught and practiced by Christ Jesus in admonishing and inspiring us to greater works.
- We used the testament of David and Goliath to frame in consciousness a picture of the full spectrum (seven synonyms for God) and their spiritual meaning within the descriptive power of Truth (David) and their application to the destruction (with a polished stone) of any of life’s challenges (Goliaths).
- We made reference to the seven synonyms as seven polished stones – polished by their continual use in demonstrating the presence of the Christ Spirit – God.
- In final furtherance to our discovery discussion, George Henke, in his recent comment to the blog gives us an excellent “key” to the spiritual significance of “stone,” as a spiritual metaphor for the seven synonyms for God as provided by Mary Baker Eddy in her book Miscellaneous Writings where she says “But, say you, is a stone spiritual? To erring material sense, No! but to unerring spiritual sense, it is a small manifestation of Mind, a type of spiritual substance, ‘the substance of things hoped for.’ Mortals can know a stone as substance, only by first admitting that it is substantial. Take away the mortal sense of substance, and the stone itself would disappear, only to reappear in the spiritual sense thereof” (p. 27: 27-2).
- George further provides another Mary Baker Eddy “key” to the significance of the discovery (educational) process as essential to know (understand) the Truth (God) so as to live in the Christ (idea). “The entire purpose of true education is to make one not only know the truth but live it — to make one enjoy doing right, make one not work in the sunshine and run away in the storm, but work midst clouds of wrong, injustice, envy, hate; and wait on God, the strong deliverer, who will reward righteousness and punish iniquity. ‘As thy days, so shall thy strength be’” (The First Church of Christ, Scientist and Miscellany p. 525: 10-17).
- Finally, in The First Church of Christ, Scientist and Miscellany it states “Goodness never fails to receive its reward, for goodness makes life a blessing. As an active portion of one stupendous whole, goodness identifies man with universal good.” It continues, “Rise above the oft-repeated inquiry, What am I? to the scientific response: I am able to impart truth, health, and happiness, and this is my rock of salvation and my reason for existing” (p. 165: 15-22). “Rock. Spiritual foundation; Truth” (Science and Health p. 593).
Christian Science Health Care – Patient centered, rock solid, polished perfect, “the evidence of things not seen” (1)!
- We settled on to know the Truth is to demonstrate an understanding of God through the seven synonyms that in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures defines God as the “The great I AM” (p. 587), Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love (p.465).
- We discussed these truths in their healing efficacy of all sin, sickness and death as taught and practiced by Christ Jesus in admonishing and inspiring us to greater works.
- We used the testament of David and Goliath to frame in consciousness a picture of the full spectrum (seven synonyms for God) and their spiritual meaning within the descriptive power of Truth (David) and their application to the destruction (with a polished stone) of any of life’s challenges (Goliaths).
- We made reference to the seven synonyms as seven polished stones – polished by their continual use in demonstrating the presence of the Christ Spirit – God.
- In final furtherance to our discovery discussion, George Henke, in his recent comment to the blog gives us an excellent “key” to the spiritual significance of “stone,” as a spiritual metaphor for the seven synonyms for God as provided by Mary Baker Eddy in her book Miscellaneous Writings where she says “But, say you, is a stone spiritual? To erring material sense, No! but to unerring spiritual sense, it is a small manifestation of Mind, a type of spiritual substance, ‘the substance of things hoped for.’ Mortals can know a stone as substance, only by first admitting that it is substantial. Take away the mortal sense of substance, and the stone itself would disappear, only to reappear in the spiritual sense thereof” (p. 27: 27-2).
- George further provides another Mary Baker Eddy “key” to the significance of the discovery (educational) process as essential to know (understand) the Truth (God) so as to live in the Christ (idea). “The entire purpose of true education is to make one not only know the truth but live it — to make one enjoy doing right, make one not work in the sunshine and run away in the storm, but work midst clouds of wrong, injustice, envy, hate; and wait on God, the strong deliverer, who will reward righteousness and punish iniquity. ‘As thy days, so shall thy strength be’” (The First Church of Christ, Scientist and Miscellany p. 525: 10-17).
- Finally, in The First Church of Christ, Scientist and Miscellany it states “Goodness never fails to receive its reward, for goodness makes life a blessing. As an active portion of one stupendous whole, goodness identifies man with universal good.” It continues, “Rise above the oft-repeated inquiry, What am I? to the scientific response: I am able to impart truth, health, and happiness, and this is my rock of salvation and my reason for existing” (p. 165: 15-22). “Rock. Spiritual foundation; Truth” (Science and Health p. 593).
Christian Science Health Care – Patient centered, rock solid, polished perfect, “the evidence of things not seen” (1)!
(1) Hebrews 11:1
O Amor divino é o que motiva os praticistas da Ciência Cristã, que não têm de seguir nenhuma regra rígida, mas são orientados pela Bíblia e pelos escritos de Mary Baker Eddy. Às vezes, porque é motivado pelo Amor divino, um praticista precisa explicar que o fundamento da Ciência Cristã (de que o filho de Deus é inteiramente espiritual) é incompatível com outros sistemas de cura, os quais nos ensinam que somos físicos ou um misto de espírito e matéria.
Suponhamos que uma senhora, cujo médico tenha prescrito pílulas para um problema no coração, ligasse para mim a pedir ajuda pela Ciência Cristã. Seria correto que eu ajudasse esta pessoa por meio da oração, enquanto ela estivesse a tomar o medicamento?
A senhora está a confiar na matéria, sob a forma de pílulas, para evitar um problema. Entretanto, no tratamento que dou pela Ciência Cristã, afirmo que D-us é Espírito infinito e que a matéria não tem nenhuma existência e, portanto, nenhum controle sobre esta filha do HaShem Ele/Ela. Por outras palavras, eu estaria a negar exatamente o poder do recurso no qual esta senhora confia. Seria isto ético?
Não seria isto um pouco semelhante a chutar a cadeira onde a senhora está apoiada com todo o seu peso? Logicamente, a situação seria diferente se ela decidisse que não queria se apoiar nesta cadeira, mas que, em vez disso, desejasse ser tratada pela Ciência Cristã.
Um praticista é sempre impelido pelo desejo de expressar o Amor divino. Portanto, mesmo se, por razões éticas, eu não tratasse esta senhora, ainda assim eu poderia encorajá-la, compartilhar passagens bíblicas com ela ou mesmo visitá-la no hospital. Eu não a estaria tratando pela oração, mas manifestando o Amor, que, em si e de si mesmo, está sempre curando e apoiando as outras pessoas ao tomarem decisões quanto ao tratamento de saúde que seja correto para elas, num determinado momento. Mary Baker Eddy escreveu em Ciência e Saúde com a Chave das Escrituras: “Jesus via na Ciência o homem perfeito, que lhe aparecia ali mesmo onde o homem mortal e pecador aparece aos mortais. Neste homem perfeito o Salvador via a própria semelhança de D-us, e este modo correto de ver o homem curava os doentes” (p. 476).
Prophetic Truth – “Deity which outlines but is not outlined”
In II Corinthians 10:3,4 Paul writes, (3) “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (4) (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;).”
The following guest post by Bob Vessels, CS, Christian Science Practitioner, is his testimony to the last blog post “The Truth – Seven Smooth Stones”:
“Sometime ago I found myself spending a great deal of time pondering the significance of what Mrs. Eddy had written on page 151 of Science and Health where she tells us that: ‘Fear never stopped being and its action. The blood, heart, lungs, brain, etc., have nothing to do with Life, God. Every function of the real man is governed by the divine Mind. The human mind has no power to kill or to cure, and it has no control over God’s man. The divine Mind that made man maintains His own image and likeness. The human mind is opposed to God and must be put off, as St. Paul declares. All that really exists is the divine Mind and its idea, and in this Mind the entire being is found harmonious and eternal.’ I took portions of this statement and thought about them a great deal; they became what I called ‘ponderables.’ I thought of the significance of the statement that ‘Every function of the real man is governed by the divine Mind’ (Science and Health p. 151). I realized the significance of the statement that when the divine Mind made man and than said OK lets see what you can do with what I have made. No you see that same Mind maintained what was made in a state of perfection so that it could be a continuing part of God’s ‘very good’ creation. At the time when I was pondering all of the powerful statements on page 151 ofScience and Health I didn’t realize that I was busy polishing one of the seven synonyms for God because I was going to need it to destroy a Goliath that was about to challenge me in combat. When this Goliath straight at me my ‘stone,’ Mind was already polished so I would be victorious. What was that Goliath you might ask? Well here is your answer. My wife woke me up late at night before we were going to go on a trip indicating she was passing out. I got up and went to her in the bathroom as she passed out in my arms. I thought do I call 911 and realized that I already had an immediate answer for this emergency, Goliath, in what I had been pondering, polishing, so I used each and every one of the facts about Mind that I had thought about for weeks. My wife responded to me with a statement about expunge and turned, expelled a golf sized object from her mouth into the toilet. She than tells me she is OK and went to bed. I continued to pray before I went back to bed. Needless to say we left for our trip as we had planned on the next day. [More details about this healing can be found on pages 58 & 59 of the March 1997 Journal] Some would say that I was prayed up. I believe I had polished an important stone in our arsenal for destroying false beliefs. Am I done polishing this stone? No way this is a continuing lifetime process. What I know now about the unfathomable Mind and it’s expression is way beyond what I new on the night that I was called on to bring healing to a discordant condition that had tried to disrupt my life. I am in the polishing business and Paul’s Blog has got me busy working with a very important Goliath destroying stone, Truth. In closing let me urge you to keep polishing!”
Mary Baker Eddy gives us some polish when she writes in Science and Health “MAN. …the full representation of Mind” and “MIND. The only I, or Us; the only Spirit, Soul, divine Principle, substance, Life, Truth, Love; …or God, of whom man is the full and perfect expression;” (p.591).
The magnificent Seven – ponderables!
(1) Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy p.591
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The Truth – Seven Smooth Stones
Thanks to Bob Vessels for his following comment bringing more light to our discovery of “Know the Truth – A spiritual Law of Freedom.”
Bob writes, “The story of David killing Goliath with just one of five smooth stones suggests to me that the Goliaths of today — dementia, Alzheimer’s, cancer etc — are ripe for destruction. You see we have a greater arsenal than David did. We have seven stones — Life, Truth, Love, Soul, Spirit, Mind, Principle — available to us. (Mary Baker Eddy in Science and Health defines these terms as synonymous for what is God). What we need to do is make certain they are made smooth by an enlightened understanding, and demonstration. Like David we really only need one smooth stone to do the job, but we are better prepared to do battle if all seven of the stones in our possession are smooth. As I thought about this I felt blessed by the recent postings on the ‘Know the “Truth”’ blogs. They provided very effective ‘polishing agents’ for helping me smooth my concept of Truth as an important stone in the arsenal for destroying the Goliaths of today. Truly ‘… Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free’ from each and every argument being used to convince us that we are less than the image and likeness of God.’”
In a talk entitled “It shall be the duty …” given by Jack Hubbell, CSB, on November 10, 1996, he recounts that in an article in the New York Times in the early Fall of 1996 entitiled “The Spin Doctors,” it discusses the placebo and nocebo effects. Now how does this relate to our seven smooth stones. Jack goes on to say that first, a placebo is a false drug – such as a sugar pill – that contains no medicinal ingredient. The belief of its curative benefit is it’s so called medicinal ingredient. Nocebo is the opposite of placebo. It is a belief in sickness through a mental catalyst an aggressive mental suggestion. Mary Baker Eddy depicts this nocebo effect in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, “A man was made to believe that he occupied a bed where a cholera patient had died. Immediately the symptoms of this disease appeared, and the man died. The fact was, that he had not caught the cholera by material contact, because no cholera patient had been in that bed … where did the symptoms come from?” (p. 154) Jack’s talk states that Robert Hahn, an epidemiologist at the center for disease control, wrote in a paper given at a nocebo conference “beliefs can make us sick as well as healthy. The nocebo phenomenon is a little – recognized facet of culture that may be responsible for a substantial variety of pathology throughout the world.”
Now where is this leading us!
The Pharma industry has embraced the “nocebo phenomenon” as central to their marketing model – to communicate and sell the belief of a specific sickness or disease – i.e.: the nocebo – and then to provide the medical equivalent of “a placebo phenomenon” in the form of an FDA approved drug solution, affirmatively entitled by a doctor prescribed controlled process. This Pharma model, nocebo/placebo, is in my opinion equivalent to the anti-Christ – a belief in the power of an aggressive mental suggestion.
Enter today’s David’s with seven smooth stones – Life – our eternal being as created in the image of God; Truth – our spiritual reality resulting in living as the likeness of God; Love – our ever-present unconditional goodness as the enlightened reflection of God; Mind – our infinite intelligence as manifesting the divine cause and effect; Soul – our expressed identity and individuality as being one with the creation of God; Spirit – our spiritual substance as reflective of ever-present Life, Truth, and Love; and Principle – God’s Law in operation, demonstrating His omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent scientific presence, here and now. These seven smooth stones, munitions of Truth, are synonyms for God. “The Great I Am; the All knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all wise, all-loving, and eternal” (Science and Health p. 587). Jack Hubbell concludes, in essence, that a placebo or nocebo belief can have no effect in a consciousness that knows that which is and a consciousness that knows that which is, is a consciousness imbued with the Christ. Being conscious of reality – being conscious of ourselves as we really are – is knowing the Truth that makes us free – not a question of changing reality but of discovering it – The antidote to the anti-Christ!
As Bob Vessels’s expressed it “’polishing agents’ for helping me smooth my concepts of Truth.”
The suppositional belief systems employed in the use of a placebo and nocebo pharma model are not solutions to sin, disease, and death, as is confirmed by empirical medical science in the observation that these beliefs mutate and migrate to new resistant forms of material expression that compromise health and well being which require ever changing Pharma solutions. Mary Baker Eddy speaks to this in Science and Health with the marginal heading “advancing degrees,” “Evidences of progress and of spiritualization greet us on every hand. Drug-systems are quitting their hold on matter and so letting in matter’s higher stratum, mortal mind. Homoeopathy, a step in advance of allopathy, is doing this. Matter is going out of medicine; and mortal mind, of a higher attenuation than the drug, is governing the pellet” (p.158). She states “Metaphysics, as taught in Christian Science, is the next stately step beyond homoeopathy. In metaphysics, matter disappears from the remedy entirely, and Mind takes its rightful and supreme place …Christian Science exterminates the drug, and rests on Mind alone as the curative Principle, acknowledging that the divine Mind has all power” (p.156-157).
The Goliaths of today, aggressive mental suggestions, which are masked and armed in their assault on our consciousness through directed messaging and imposed solutions – dissipate forever when impacted with any and all of the seven smooth stones – confirming the presence of the Christ and polished by the grace of God.
Healing with scientific certainty
The NY Committee plans to invite guest posts on the NY blog. These past few weeks the blog has been discussing Christian Science healing in its biblical context to “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). Christine Driessen, CSB has contributed greatly in this discussion, and as a Christian Science Teacher and Lecturer to the understanding essential to scientific divine practice – the Truth that shall set you free. Her post adding more light follows:
Healing with scientific certainty
By: Christine Driessen, CSB
By: Christine Driessen, CSB
Wonderful quote in the last blog post from Archibald McLellan about the exactness of this Science and the need to follow it exactly!
Christ Jesus said that anyone who followed his teaching would be able to heal as he did and do even greater works than these, but not without absolute obedience to the law of God, Spirit–recognizing and obeying only one power, Spirit; and not worshipping, fearing or obeying matter gods. In his beloved Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7) Jesus said that we have to first “Seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and then all these other things would be added unto us.”
Today many of our dictionaries have replaced traditional definitions with more secular ones. For example, “righteousness” is often defined today as “doing what you think is right”–meaning each person can redefine “right” anyway they want. And then people wonder why prayer doesn’t seem to work! If we think “righteousness” is something we can redefine according to the beliefs of a particular period, then when we appeal to divine law in our prayers, we may think mistakenly that prayer doesn’t work. And yet a law is not “law” unless it is enforceable and reliable.
However, consider this definition from the dictionary of Mary Baker Eddy’s time, because it’s taken right from the original Greek meaning of this word. Definition of righteousness(Noah Webster, 2nd ed., 1852):
“Conformity of heart and life to the divine law, the active and passive obedience of Christ, by which the law of God is fulfilled. Purity of heart, rectitude of life.” “Rectitude” is defined as “exact conformity to truth, or to the rules prescribed for moral conduct, either by divine or human laws.” “Exact” means “precise, strict, careful, not negligent.”
I also find this passage in Science and Health, 327:17, with the marginal note ‘Peremptory demands”, very interesting: ”To the physical senses, the strict demands of Christian Science seem peremptory; but mortals are hastening to learn that Life is God, good, and that evil has in reality neither place nor power in the human or the divine economy.”
The word “peremptory” is defined as “Express; positive; absolute; decisive; authoritative; in a manner to preclude debate or expostulation.”
Divine law is absolute, allowing no debate or challenge, but that is what makes it so reliable and scientifically certain.
The Bible says the “science of God” (Rom. 11:33) is perfect (Job 37:16) and is found in the secret of the Christ (Col. 2:2-3). Prov. 1:7 says that the “fear (obedience, love, trust) of God is the beginning of science.” Those who only read an English translation of the original Greek may never realize that the word “knowledge” is being used instead of science, since “science” means knowledge, but a science is so much more than human knowledge. Translations such as the French use the actual word “science” in these biblical passages and they give a much clearer sense of the meaning.
We don’t ever have to fear obeying God’s will because the Bible shows repeatedly that God is Love itself, merciful, forgiving, healing, redeeming all of us from suffering (Ps. 103:2-4, for example). Gen. 1 says that everything that God makes is very good and Deut. 32:4 says His work is perfect, and Ps. 18:32 says God makes our way perfect, so we do not need to fear God’s law or His will. It is always good. God causes us to succeed and prosper and to be in safety and in good health (Gen.1:28) because health and peace are natural to God’s creation. Understanding this Science, which teaches that Spirit is the only Mind, creator, power or reality of existence, opens our eyes to our inherent wholeness right now.
Mary Baker Eddy explains in her textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, that it is possible for anyone to learn to heal with “scientific certainty” through the Christ Love demonstrated by Jesus (496:15). But she was not referring to a human definition of love which changes with every new philosophy or fad. She was referring to the two great Commandments found in Christianity, Judaism and Islam: 1) Love (obey) God, Spirit, supremely and have only one God. 2) Love your neighbor as yourself (as Christ Jesus demonstrated). Absolute obedience to these two laws is what enables people to understand and demonstrate the Science of the Christ by healing sin, disease and death.
xehoz Jorge Sousa
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Sometimes people today say that “heal” means simply to give someone a sense of peace as they are dying or struggling with long-term illness. And yet there are over 50 uses of the word “healing” in the four Gospels alone. Not one of those times did the word “healing” mean accepting suffering and death peacefully. Every single time, Jesus cured the people of their diseases–the blind saw, the lame walked, the deaf heard, the sinners stopped sinning. Even long standing conditions were instantly healed: hemorrhaging for 12 years, deformity of the back for 18 years, paralysis for 38 years. And Jesus even raised people from death: Lazarus had been in the tomb 4 days already, but Jesus said “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me shall not see death”; and Lazarus immediately returned to normal life.
When we are absolutely obedient to the law of mathematics, then we are able to work out mathematical problems with mathematical certainty! To the degree that we diverge from the laws of mathematics, to that degree our work fails to demonstrate the exactness of that science.
Eddy uses the phrase “in proportion to” or “in proportion as” almost 60 times in her writings, each time indicating that it is only to the degree that we are obedient to God’s law and faithful to His Science, that we are able to demonstrate the divine Principle of this healing Science. The Science of God and His Christ is an exact science, and we will begin to discover the exactness of this divine Science–and find that prayer is effective, reliable, scientifically certain– “in proportion to” our exact obedience and fidelity to God’s law.”
Thank you Christine on behalf of the New York Committee.
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Know the “Truth” – A spiritual law of freedom
Recently, Christine Driessen, CSB, Christian Science Teacher and Lecturer, commented on my blog post “Knowing the Truth (Christian Science jargon for spiritual healing).” She says “The phrase ‘Know the truth’ is actually a quote from Christ Jesus when he said to his followers, ‘Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.’ John 8:32. Jesus healed every kind of physical suffering we face today–acute, chronic, congenital, hereditary, contagious, long standing problems; and even raised the dead. And he said that anyone who followed his teaching could heal as he did and do greater works than these. John 14:12. Knowing the truth that God, Spirit, is our Father and created us frees us from the belief of suffering of every sort.
St. Paul also talks about the freeing power of this truth when we ‘know’ it to be true. Mary Baker Eddy says on page 113:8 in First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, that Paul declares the truth of the complete system of Christian Science in two verses in the Bible: Rom. 8:1-2, ‘There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit, for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus frees us from the law of sin and death.’ The word condemnation also means ‘incurability.’ What promise is found in this ‘Truth’!
Archibald McLellan, an Editor of the Christian Science Journal, in a February 1910 article, punctuates this “exacting Science,” system of Christian Science spiritual healing as it relates to the exactness in the scientific classification of Truth in working out a problem analogous to the exactness in the scientific classification of mathematics. He says “It is sometimes said by those who are critical of Christian Science, that its adherents are narrow, that they are persons of one idea, even bigoted in their insistence upon one way and only one way of expressing themselves and the universe. Yet these same critics are not offended by the exactness and ‘bigotry’ displayed by the mathematician, who is equally exact and equally insistent upon the manner in which a problem in mathematics shall be stated and worked out. Just why this should be so is hard to explain, except upon the theory that these critics look upon mathematics as an exact science, and the relation of God to man and the universe as a relation of chance and change; a theory which will not bear analysis.
If, with God, there is, as the apostle James wrote, ‘no variableness, neither shadow of turning,’ then the knowledge of God and His relation to His creation cannot be otherwise than the knowledge of something which is exact and unchangeable, and this knowledge can be rightly expressed only in the most exact and certain way. This is clearly stated by Mrs. Eddy in Science and Health, where she says (p.127): ‘If God, the All-in-all, be the creator of the spiritual universe, including man, then everything entitled to a classification as truth, or Science, must be comprised in a knowledge or understanding of God, for there can be nothing beyond illimitable divinity.’”
Truthematics – Count on it!
Knowing the Truth – Power of positive thinking?
George Henke in his comment to my post last week answers this question saying “Christian Science is not “power of positive thinking, with no Principle behind it.” I am with George on this and believe it is right on point with my answer to the question “How is it that by knowing the Truth, or being conscious of that which is already true, we arrive at healing in Christian Science.” My answer begins with “Knowing the Truth is not a means to healing – it “is” the healing in Christian Science. Then I go on to explain my thoughts on what is knowing the Truth – such as “the Discovery of the perfection of our true being already present”; “the revealing of reality; — not a process of changing reality” and finally,affirmation of wellness based on “understanding why!” which is an essential element to healing and to Christian Science treatment through prayer. Christian Science healing is based on an understanding of spiritual reality not human will power, blind belief or simply positive thinking. Knowing the Truth – is used in the context as know, known, knowing, etc. and is defined by the Random House Dictionary of the English Language as “to perceive or understand as fact or truth; to apprehend clearly and with certainty – In Collins Concise English Dictionary it says: know, knows, knowing, etc. is “to be or feel certain of the truth or accuracy of fact, etc. and in Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionaryknow, knew, known, knowing is “to perceive directly: have direct cognition of, to have understanding of.”
The blog concludes with the “result” that in this way, of knowing the Truth, we experience the miracle of spiritual healing!” It goes on to give Mary Baker Eddy’s definition of miracle as “that which is divinely natural, but must be learned humanly; a phenomenon of Science.” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures p. 591) She also says “the miracle introduces no disorder, but unfolds the primal order, establishing the Science of God’s unchangeable law.” (Science and Health p. 135).
Mary Baker Eddy uses the term “knowing” as fundamental in her depiction of the miracle of spiritual healing in Science and Health to quote “the sick are not healed merely by declaring there is no sickness but by knowing that there is none” (Science and Health p. 447). She also says – “knowing that God was the Life of Man, Jesus was able to present himself unchanged after the crucifixion. Truth fosters the idea of Truth, and not the belief in illusion or error” (Science and Health p. 555).
Larry Wojno adds to this blog topic with the following comment “Both positive thinking and medical practice start from the standpoint of a sick material body that is manipulated in some way to produce a well material body. My understanding of Christian healing is that it starts from the spiritual basis of perfect God and perfect man as the only reality. Seeing (knowing) this clearly enables us to claim God’s (Truth’s) unchanging reality about our true being. This seems best summarized in Science and Health (page 476:31-4) when Mrs. Eddy describes how Jesus knew the Truth to find the Kingdom of God intact: ‘Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour saw God’s own likeness and this correct view of man healed the sick.’”
Clearly Truth (God) is the only power and reality doing the work, whether we see (know) it or not.”
Qué capacidad de síntesis la del hashtag #feministaentwitter El original era: #HaceAñosNoMeTocanNiConLaPuntaDeUnPaloPorqueTengoBigote
contra la violencia de género,el techo de cristal y la poca representación de mujeres en altos puestos, yo soy #feministaentwitter
And as George noted in his final comments; our part is simply to know the Truth, but it is the Christ, Truth, it is God, Spirit; Life, Truth, Love, the triune Principle of Christian Science, that actually does the work when we know the Truth.”
Not power of positive thinking but knowing the Truth, in this way, shall make you free! So – By George and Larry too, I think we got it!
KNOWING THE TRUTH (Christian Science jargon for spiritual healing)
Question – How is it that by knowing the Truth, or being conscious of that which is already true, we arrive at healing in Christian Science?
Answer – Knowing the Truth is not a means to healing – it “is” the healing in Christian Science. This means that through prayer, healing is not recovery; healing is discovery, the discovery of the perfection of our true being already present. Healing in Christian Science is the revealing of reality; it is not a process of changing reality, sick to well. Reality is Man’s being as created in the image and after the likeness of God. Knowing the Truth in Christian Science is thus not a process we use to go from imperfection to perfection by affirming “I am well,” as a means to not being sick. We affirm, “I am well” because I am well, and therefore I am not sick, and I understand why!
Why? – Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science writes, “Hold perpetually this thought, — that it is the spiritual idea, the Holy Ghost and Christ, which enables you to demonstrate, with scientific certainty, the rule of healing” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures p. 496). In the Bible, I John 4:16, we read, “God is Love.” Christian Scientists embrace Divine Love as the expressed image of what we are; our spiritual identity and individuality. Thus as we realize this expression of the Christ, Love, in consciousness, we are “being” the image of Love, and “living” the likeness of Love, from which healing results and well-being ensues proactively. Mary Baker Eddy tells us “To live so as to keep human consciousness in constant relation with the divine, the spiritual, and the eternal, is to individualize infinite power; and this is Christian Science” (Miscellany). Christian Science is thus a reinstatement of the lost art of spiritual healing as taught and practiced by the “Master” Christian Christ Jesus and accessible to each one of us 24/7 through knowing the Truth in proactive prayer.
Result! – In this way, of knowing the Truth, we experience the miracle of spiritual healing! – Miracle as defined by Mary Baker Eddy is “that which is divinely natural, but must be learned humanly; a phenomenon of Science” (Science and Health p.591). Not recovery but the discovery of the harmony and perfection of our true being, as created in God’s image and after God’s likeness – Love.
Divine right for a spiritual health care choice
A friend wrote to me yesterday that Merrill Matthews has an op-ed in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal on why Obama should drop the Health Care individual mandate. My friend reported that in this article he says that justice – or the deciding of individual liberty! – is “a crapshoot” because of the composition of the Supreme Court. As if justice is somehow absent?! He then puts forth another proposition in the form of a compromise by two Senators and goes on to say that this, of course, is an attempt to hide the real issue – which is man’s individual liberty! Finally, without individual liberty are there “States’ rights?”
I replied to my friend that we are in agreement on the point that individual liberty is fundamental to “States’ rights” and must be the leading edge of civil liberty and justice for all to choose a system of health care that has proven reliable and is results based. We must not be required to pay for or comply with a Federal individual mandate or accept compromise which cannot serve this end!
#18dejulio inicio reacción fascista, mi recuerdo xa l@s rebeldes, putas, adúlteras, lesbianas, maricas k resistieron #feministaentwitter
Padre Vagner Baia
@Curaelibertacao Itajuba- Minas Gerais - Brasil
»»» In my case this form of Health Care is spiritual as taught and practiced by Christ Jesus and fully revealed by Mary Baker Eddy in her book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. As a Christian Scientist, I believe that divine justice is not subject to dilution, division or a belief of dualism. Mary Baker Eddy states in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, “Mortal Man has his appeal to Spirit, God, who sentences only for sin. The false and unjust beliefs of your human mental legislators compel them to enact wicked laws of sickness and so forth, and then render obedience to these laws punishable as crime. In the presence of the Supreme Lawgiver, standing at the bar of Truth, and in accordance with the divine statutes, I repudiate the false testimony of Personal Sense. I ask that he be forbidden to enter against Mortal Man any more suits to be tried at the Court of Material Error. I appeal to the just and equitable decisions of divine Spirit to restore to Mortal Man the rights of which he has been deprived” (p. 440: 20-32).
I believe that it is man’s divine right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness expressed in States’ rights and our individual liberty for a spiritual health care choice.